Download forms


Here are the forms that can be useful for You if You are already working or just planning to start working by Level One Uitzendbureau:

Work hour registration form – You can complete this form, when You want to inform us when and how many hours You were working on a certain day.

Holiday request form – You can complete this form, when You want to take a day off or request time off for holiday.

Kilometer registration form – You can complete this form, if You are driving to/from work with Your own car.

Bank / email form – You can complete this form in order to give information (or change) of Your bank account details and email address.

Recent jobs

* Client Relationship Manager

In this independent role with a lot of responsibility, you will be the pillar of support for our clients. You ...
Emmeloord/Level One Office

Agriculture employee

As agriculture employee, you will be working outside in the field; Possible tasks include using a "weedbed" (a special machine ...
Flevoland, Netherlands

Expedition employee (Kampen)

As a expedition employee, you will be checking whether the pallets with orders are properly prepared; Precise and careful work; ...
Kampen, The Netherlands